0.jpg)__](javascript:;) Picturesque LaoLing 忽忆故乡树 枣花色正新 Jujube trees in memory of hometown,The flowers are in full bloom 枣花 Jujube Flowers 盛夏 It was high summer 世界上最大的花事 The place with the largest number of flowers in the world 金丝枣之乡乐陵 Only the jujube flowers of the golden jujube Laoling are in full bloom 枣花竞放 Jujube Flowers come into blossom 匿身30万亩枣林的亿兆枣花 The jujube flowers hidden in 300-thousand Mu of jujube forests 平易为裳,娇小有姿 Simple appearance,petite and beautiful “枣花至少可以成实” Although the jujube flower is small, it can bear a fruit after all. 王溥的《咏牡丹》 Wang Pu’s poems of singing about the peony 更赞美她胜过国花牡丹的美丽 Praise that jujube flowers are more beautiful than peonies 枣花之美,相得益彰 The beauty of Jujube Flower is that it is the same inside and outside 枣花像一串米粒一样大 Jujube flowers as big as rice 密密麻麻,保存挤压,层层叠叠 Dense,crowded and stacked 淡淡的淡黄色,美丽优雅 pale yellow,beautiful and elegant 深深的乡愁,谦冲为怀 A deep sense of homesickness is cherished with humility “香来无所事事,即之无疑” The aroma of jujube flowers is concentrated and distributed 枣花香,天赐香 The fragrance of jujube flowers is a gift from Heaven 穿越千年沧桑,依然历久弥新 Through thousands of years of vicissitudes of life,it is still enduring 以优雅的香味,汇成无尽的和谐, With its elegant fragrance,it becomes a boundless harmony, 给这片热土厚重的滋养 To nourish this hot land “翘首看崇柯,黄粟金纷敷” Look up,The branches are covered with golden jujube flowers 《车行枣花下》枣花下》 The carriage passed under jujube flowers by Yao Xie in the Qing Dynasty 写尽枣花的魅力 Praise the incomparable beauty of jujube flowers 枣花之韵,林木健朗 The rhyme of jujube flowers,the trees are tall and straight 唱歌的蜜蜂穿梭忙碌 采着甜蜜 Humming bees are busy Picking sweetness 树下枣农忙碌不止,辛勤劳作 Jujube farmers are busy under the tree,Work hard and thrive 甜蜜的城邦在恋栈 Live happily in a beautiful home “枣花落靡靡 The jujube flowers are falling all the time 一犬护柴关

A dog protects the firewood pass 节目芒种,谁得幽闲?” In the grain in ear season,everyone works hard 当下盛景 Current grand scene 不是诗人樊阜笔下的清新意味 Isn’t it the fresh and meaningful works of the poet Fanfu 生机盎然的蓬勃神气吗 This is our happy and beautiful home 枣花之神,催生力量 The God of jujube flowers gives birth to power 枣花虽小,但密集开放 Jujube flowers are small but dense 浩瀚的花海如日出东方 The vast sea of flowers is like the sunrise in the East 其道大光 Its way is bright 如河出伏流,一泻汪洋 The scene of jujube blossoms is magnificent and majestic 枣花 Jujube Flower 寄托着枣农的幸福和希望 It is the happiness and hope of the LaoLing people’s 承载着枣乡人的宁静时光 Carrying the happiness and good times of LaoLing people’s 特别声明:以上文章仅代表作者自己的观点,不代表新浪的观点或立场。如果您对作品的内容、版权或其他问题有任何疑问,请在作品发表后30天内联系新浪。

